Countdown to Pi day

Just a heads-up so you can plan accordingly…

This year, 2015, is a special year for Pi Day enthusiasts. In the mm - dd - yy format, Pi Day, which is March, 14th, will be written as, 3 – 14 – 15.   These are the first 5 significant digits of Pi (3.1415).

But wait, here’s where it gets interesting: On this day, at 9 AM, it will be the first 6 digits of Pi (3.14159). So this will be the Pi Hour.

There’s more: Twenty six minutes later, it will be the Pi Minute, reading… 3-14-15, 9 hr 26 min (first 8 digits of Pi 3.1415926).

Still more: There’s a Pi Second!... Yes, its 5 seconds later when we get to the first 9 digits of Pi (3.14159265).

Hold on! comes yet another dramatic Pi Moment … by expressing the fractional part of the Pi Seconds in the form of decimals… 5.35 seconds… we get up to 11 digits of Pi (3.1415926535).

But now comes the ultimate Pi Day moment in the history of the Universe. By extending the decimals infinitely, as per the digits of Pi, we will pass through the Perfect Pi Moment…
 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286…etc, etc, etc!!!

This is a moment that will never happen again for a hundred years, so set your alarm clock for 9:26 AM on March 14th and experience a Once-In-a Lifetime Pi Moment.


Hard to believe this Osprey got 5-6 fish at a time and then got a flounder under 3 feet of water and made off with what looks to be a 5+ lbs steelhead. Have you ever seen a bird shake water off like a dog does? Wouldn't want to get in its way when its eyes are locked onto you and his talons in the "load" position! It's talons are amazing!
There are 3 sequences in this one video:
1st sequence - catches half a dozen fish in one strike.
2nd sequence - plunges talons into deep water to grab the prey.
3rd sequence - captures a big old fish that looks as if it weighs more than he does!
This is incredible to watch!