You will be amazed, if not blown away by this 5 minute video presentation covering model railroad layouts of all kinds & various locations around the world, operating planes/other vehicles... & even recognition to our Space Shuttle program!
There have been little clips about this place for the past few years, it is still not finished but is growing to that conclusion as they will soon run out of space.
A short review, it was started by two brothers as a place to show their hobby, it started growing by leaps & bounds. Soon they were joined by other 'Model Railroad Clubs' and other craftsmen. Some were electricians, model makers, Carpenters, computer programmers. Their wives would stop by to see what they were doing and usually bring them a lunch.
One thing led to another. Three of the ladies had worked at a bakery, several visitors would ask if they had a snack bar. The Idea was planted; some of the carpenters came and built a nice restaurant area for the bakery and a kitchen too. If the fresh Coffee smell didn't get you then the bakery definitely would.This was about 5 years ago. One of the Breweries came and furnished all of the tables and chairs, serving counter and, etc.
Their latest finished area is the airport. Planes look like they are flying and landing.
Just in case any of you are considering flying with or for a Chinese airline.
A pilot for a Chinese carrier requested permission and landed at FRA ( Frankfurt , Germany) for an unscheduled refueling stop.
The reason soon became apparent to the ground crew: The Number 3 engine had been shutdown previously because of excessive vibration, and because it didn't look too good. It had apparently been no problem for the ground crew back in China: as they took some sturdy straps and wrapped them around two of the fan blades and the structures behind, thus stopping any unwanted wind-milling (engine spinning by itself due to airflow passing through the blades during flight) and associated uncomfortable vibration caused by the sub optimal fan.
Note that the straps are seat-belts.... how resourceful!
After making the "repairs", off they went into the wild blue yonder with another revenue-making flight on only three engines!
With the increased fuel consumption, they got a bit low on fuel, and just set it down at the closest airport (FRA) for a quick refill.
That's when the problems started: The Germans, who are kind of picky about this stuff, inspected the malfunctioning engine and immediately grounded the aircraft. (Besides the seat-belts, notice the appalling condition of the fan blades.)
The airline operator had to send a chunk of money to get the first engine replaced (took about 10 days). The repair contractor decided to do some impromptu inspection work on the other engines, none of which looked all that great either.
The result: a total of 3 engines were eventually changed on this plane before it was permitted to fly again.
And you all were worried about toys with lead paint!!!!
Subject: Every airplane that was ever built. ....You will definitely want to copy and paste the following link into your
browser:You can pull up just about every airplane that was ever built and every aircraft company ever to produce any airplane in every country in the world. Want to check out almost any airplane ever built in the world? Old, new, military, civilian, whatever? Browse this fascinating site for a few minutes. You will be amazed at what has been done in airplane design. The amount of info available on every airplane is unbelievable.
This is a super reference file. This is absolutely unreal and an
excellent job of consolidating all this information. If you like airplanes, you'll love this site.
For the fun of it, click on the "Z" in the alphabetical listing. To give
you an idea of the complexity of this site, on clicking the "Z" you will see aircraft companies that I can guarantee you never heard of.In some case where the aircraft type is grayed out, I guess data was just not available.
To outfit Afghanistan's security forces with new helicopters, the Pentagon bypassed U.S. companies and turned instead to Moscow for dozens of Russian Mi-17 rotorcraft at a cost of more than $1 billion.
"So why are we buying Russian helicopters when there are American manufacturers (Boeing) that can meet that very same requirement?" [Sen. John] Cornyn asked. "Makes no sense whatsoever and the Department of Defense has steadfastly refused to cooperate with reasonable inquiries into why in the world they continue to persist along this pathway."
On top of all that, corruption is rampant in Russia's defense industry, heightening concerns that crooked government officials and contractors are lining their pockets with American money.
"We're not dealing with a corrupt system. Corruption is the system," said Stephen Blank, a Russia expert at the American Foreign Policy Council, a Washington think tank. "This is not a world we're familiar with."
Tina Farrell, 23, from Manchester, called Camelot after failing to win with several cards.She told the Manchester Evening News: “On one of my cards it said I had to find temperatures lower than -8."
“The numbers I uncovered were -6 and -7 so I thought I had won, and so did the woman in the shop. But when she scanned the card the machine said I hadn’t."
“I phoned Camelot and they fobbed me off with some story that -6 is higher – not lower – than -8 but I’m not having it."
There has been no attempt to remove the crosses by the ACLU or any other group. The memorial also has a number of Star of David symbols. Chaplains are instructed not to make any direct religious referrals (Jesus, Allah, etc.) except during services for that specific faith.
Subject: Santa Barbara Beach
The first to the last picture are taken at the beach in Santa Barbara right next to the Pier. There is a veterans group that started putting a cross and candle for every death in Iraq and Afghanistan . The amazing thing is that they only do it on the weekends.
They put up this graveyard and take it down every weekend. Guys sleep in the sand next to it and keep watch over it at night so nobody messes with it. Every cross has the name, rank and D.O.B. and D.O.D. on it.Very moving, very powerful. So many young volunteers. So many 30 to 40 year olds as well.
The ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) has filed a suit to have all Military cross-shaped headstones removed
And that they filed another suit to end prayer from the military completely. They're making great progress.
The Navy Chaplains can no longer mention Jesus's name in prayer thanks to the ACLU and our new administration.