Math education from a female perspective

Why did I give up on math? Ask my mom

But it’s unfair to pin all the blame on my mother. There were other factors, such as indifferent or incompetent teachers and my growing sense that girls who like math are suspect to boys — and at 12, what boys thought was suddenly very important.

Girls Get Higher Math Scores When Taught By Female Teachers

This new study also found that when female students switched from a male to a female teacher, their math test scores increased by 8.5 percent of the standard deviation than the boys.
Meer said he felt that the increased performance in mathematics is due to the girls feeling more comfortable when taught by a female instructor.

Judges wrangle over the definition of the number "one"

What is the meaning of one? It’s a question that has occupied the minds of the greatest thinkers such as Philo of Alexandria, who believed that the numeral one was God’s number and so the basis of all other numbers.

Two millennia later, in the august surroundings of the Royal Courts of Justice in London, three judges in the Court of Appeal last week also deliberated on the meaning of one. They came to the conclusion that one does not necessarily mean one at all – because it can actually include anything greater than or equal to a half and less than one-and-a-half.

When will I ever use this?

The most asked question in math class is some variation of "When am I ever going to use this?”  In fact, I began typing this question into a search engine, and every one of the
10 popular completions for "when am I ever going to use . . .” dealt with school mathematics. Now, as a student, I know this question is a compelling one. Of course, some students ask it as a challenge to the teacher, using it to mean “Prove to me that I need this in my life.”  However, some students ask it sincerely, honestly wanting to know how it might be used in the future.

91% of health-related web searches go to third parties

Don't follow the advice at the end.  Ghostery is now owned by an ad agency.
Use the Disconnect extension instead.

AdBlock slows down your browser and is not the best choice.
uBlock is a better alternative.

But even these will not protect you.  
You need to manage cookies that sites use to track you. 
Get a browser extension like Better Privacy to delete supercookies.

Use search engines that don't track you, like DuckDuckGo, StartPage, or PrivateDuck.

Get a good VPN to mask your IP address, so that your IP address (web identiy) is masked to the websites you request.  You browse through a secure tunnel, and even your internet service provider can't track your surfing.

For more advanced users:
Get a browser add-on the prevents surreptitious tracking info going to Facebook (even when you not on Facebook).

Turn off geolocation on your browser.  It's supposed to improve your browser experience, but it can tell websites exactly where you are:
Leaving this on defeats the security of a VPN.  They'll know where you're browsing from anyway. 

Use a browser add-on to block WebRTC.
Leaving this on also defeats the security of a VPN.  Your true IP address can be directly accessed.

Warning: You may find that some videos and other media don't work on some websites.  Allowing yourself to be tracked is the price you pay to watch the video. Temporarily disable protection if you really have to see it.