Socialists in Capitalist Clothing

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One of the early American advocates of socialism on a global scale - including the draining of wealth away from the "rich" - was John F. Kennedy.  He undoubtedly learned the concept while attending the Fabian London School of Economics in 1935-1936 just prior to his father's appointment as Ambassador to England.  When JFK became President, his political views continued to carry the imprint of that training.  In September of 1963, he addressed the finance ministers and central-bank governors for 102 nations at the annual meeting of the IMF/World Bank.  He explained the concept of world socialism in glowing terms:

     Twenty years ago, when the architects of these institutions met to design an international banking structure, (Bretton Woods, New Hampshire) the economic life of the world was polarized in overwhelming, and even alarming, measure on the United States...There was a need for redistribution of the financial resources of the world....And there was an equal need to organize a flow of capital to the impoverished countries of the world. All this has come about.  It did not come about by chance but by conscious and deliberate and responsible planning.

The Creature from Jekyll Island - A second Look at the Federal Reserve, Fifth Edition
G. Edward Griffin pp. 109-110