1 response
I generally enjoy the content of your blog. I note recently some rather annoying comments by various contributors that are of a political nature and suggest that their unhappiness is supposed to apply to me also. I am uninterested in the political comments of simple minded people and if this represents the overall feeling of your product then I would prefer not to be bothered with it. History is history and to try to re-write it to make you feel better is mistaken and ignorant. I like facts that broaden my perspective on the world. America is what it is for many good and some bad reasons. The end result of our development is by far better than anything developed yet by any other group on Earth. I am very familiar with the good and bad facts present in our history and cannot change what was and want to avoid repeating the mistakes of our past. We cannot blend all cultures and their practices into our society as it has developed. If changing our society as it has developed to satisfy the needs of immigrants from failed societies is required, then we will fail miserably (in my opinion). I see people from all over the world every working day of my life and I will frequently chide them with statements such as, “whatever possessed you to come to a place like America? Everyone hates us, you know. Are you sure this is where you want to be?? Invariably, the response is something like, “you have it all wrong, this is where you want to be!”. If you have not served in the military, you have little ability to criticize it accurately. If you don’t vote. Don’t criticize the results. Call me when you are paying over 100,000 dollars in income tax and are expected to give it up with a smile. We can discuss how to change it and explore where our government is applying what you have worked hard to accumulate. In closing, ask the next five people you meet where the term “America” came from. Dave Mouton, MD david.mouton@kelsey-seybold.com 2kelseu From: comment-vavvftw2req39wyd1r71+1112856@posthaven.com [mailto:comment-vavvftw2req39wyd1r71+1112856@posthaven.com] Sent: Sunday, December 04, 2016 1:18 PM